About Me
I am a retired electrical engineer and scientist. For much of my career I've been involved in the aerospace industry in some form or another. Photography always fascinated me and as a young boy I used to take B&W photos and develop and print them in my bathroom. Over the years the delays in seeing the completed images led to frustration and limited my ability to create images that truly pleased me. With the advent of digital photography, much of that time lag (and cost!) has disappeared.
I have several hobbies. Amateur radio and astronomy are two others. For my amateur radio activities, go to my amateur radio web site. My astronomy interests will soon be hosted here on this web site.
I'm also a part-time flight instructor and hold a Commercial with Instrument pilot rating and a Certificated Flight Instructor Instrument (CFII) in single engine land airplanes. Go to my amateur radio website (above) to see training material I've created for my flight students.
A Bit More Info About Me
I enjoy devoting an entire day to taking photos. Sometimes, out of the hundreds of photos, there will only be one or two that really reach out and appeal to me, but that is what is so good about digital photography. It is inexpensive to experiment and try new composures and learn.
Over the years I've had several low-end digital cameras. Recently I acquired a Sony A-330. Immediately I was impressed with it and along with the stock 18-55mm zoom, it went on a trip to England and Germany with me and my wife. After getting back, I decided I wanted to explore an even higher quality camera. I was torn between the Sony A-65, A-77, and A-99. The Sony A-77 with a 18-135mm zoom lens won out and so far it has been a wonderful camera. My wife gave me a f1.4 50mm lens for it on my last birthday. For now I'm content to learn all of it's features and to experiment with it.
Living in the Texas Hill Country offers many opportunities for scenic photos. I'm hoping to expand my skill sets in the use of this new camera and as I do I'll post images here on this website that appeal to me, and hopefully to you.
Use of my photos and images. Please feel free to copy and use any of my pictures for your personal or educational use only. My only request is you provide a credit to me if you use them and not publish them on the web, social media, magazine or any other uncontrolled distribution to the public. You will note I have not put any watermarks or copyright notices on my images. However, they remain my intellectual property.
© Copyright 2012 by Gary A. White. All rights reserved. No part may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any electronic means, including photocopying, recording or by any information or retrieval system, without written permission from Gary A. White. All images are copyrighted to Gary A. White. Distribution forbidden.
If you are in doubt as to what constitutes personal or educational use, please contact me.
Recent Photo of Me